Sometimes it's all about the aesthetics.


Taiwanese Nicknames for LA Angels Pitchers

On PTT (a popular bulletin board in Taiwan), we Angels fans often chat with others. It's also a surprise that they all have some Taiwanese nickname. 以下是鄉民對天使投手的愛稱。Following are pitchers' nicknames.

PitchersFan-given nameExplanation
John Lackey姜蕾姬(Jiang Lay Gee), 辣雞(Lar Gee)隨便從音近的國字找的,姜則是配合"韓國人"紅襪球迷 IronChef 的愛國心所命名。Just some arbitrary Chinese names that sound like Lackey or John Lackey.
Kelvim Escobar交友男(Ji-ow-yo-nan, "a man good at making friends"), Myspacecobar, 愛司/愛思(Ace), 愛司扣八(Acecobar), 柯巴(Cobar)他的 myspace 好友名單因為有著太多辣妹而遭 PTT 鄉民羨慕。愛司則是鄉民愛戴他的球風才有的愛稱。
He has a lot of HOOOOT myspace friends, that's why we call him myspacecobar or 交友男. Also we call him ace or acecobar because he looks like an ace.
Joe Saunders桑德斯(Saunders), Hokie Joe, 桑德斯上校(Colonel Saunders), 桑同學(Saun-tone-shue, classmate saunders)Hokie 是因為他從 Virginia Tech 畢業, 至於上校是跟 KFC 吉祥物上校同姓。
Hokie is from the name of his college virginia tech. And colonel doesn't need explanation if you know what is KFC.
Ervin Santana小山(shiaw shan, little shan), 山同學(shan-tone-suey, classmate shan), 凸塔那(too-ta-na), 全壘打王(chuen-lay-da-won), 吸血鬼(Shee-Shey-Gwey, vampire)凸塔那和全壘打王請在黑特的時候使用。小山和山同學則是愛稱,他剛出道的時候則有可能因為他在晚間比賽勝率高的關係叫他吸血鬼。/ Beloved name (shiaw shan or shan-tone-suey), rant name (too-ta-na, chuen-lay-da-won) and superstitious name (Shee-Shey-Gwey) are used based on Ervin's performance.
Jon Garland嘎蘭(Gar-Lan), ㄍㄌ(Ge-le)ㄍㄌ is only ranting his poor performance.
Jered Weaver小公主(Hsiao-gon-joo, little princess), 織織公主(Je-Je gon-joo, princess that weaves), 織織(Je-Je, weave-weave), 威佛 cosplay髮型和姓的直譯。不過,有時候我們會懷疑是不是 Jeff Weaver 有時候跑來假扮公主。Literally due to the name and his hair style. Also sometimes we were wondering if it was Jeff weaver pitching. Which one is younger?
Dustin Moseley摩斯里(Mores-lee)太菜了沒梗。
Francisco Rodrigueskrod, 雷殘(Lay-tzan, tripping), 抖rod(Doe-rod, shaky-rod)The names pretty much say it all.
Scot Shields神盾(Shen-Duen, Godly shield), 抖盾(Doe-Duen, Shaky shield)The names pretty much say it all.
Darren Oliver奧莉薇(All-Lee-Way)RP的梗太少。
Justin Speier史掰兒(Spy-er)RP的梗太少。
Chris Bootcheck不缺課(Boo-che-ke)太菜了沒梗。
Jose Arredondo阿瑞同學(Ah-ray-tone-shuey)太菜了沒梗。
Rich Thompson豪洲人/澳洲人(Australian)太菜了沒梗。
Former PitchersFan-given nameExplanation
Bartolo Colón摳龍(Co-long), 摳胖(Co-pon, Fat Colon), 大芒果(Da-moun-gwo, Big Mango)The names pretty much say it all.
Paul Byrd鳥哥(Niaw Ge, brother Bird)The names pretty much say it all.
Kevin Gregg阿蛋(Ah-Dan)Something to do with the egg, no idea why.

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