Sometimes it's all about the aesthetics.


Taiwanese Nicknames for LA Angels Fielders

On PTT (a popular bulletin board in Taiwan), we Angels fans often rant about the line-up. It's also a surprise that they all have some Taiwanese nickname. 以下是鄉民對天使野手的愛稱。Following are fielders' nicknames.

FieldersFan-given nameExplanation
Chone FigginsFiggy, 腿姬/Leggy(Twey-gee, leggy), 腿/Legs(twey, legs), 阿腿(Ah-twey, lovely legs), Leggins, fichiro(like ichiro), Vladimir Firrero(only used when playing against Yankees), 腿哥(Twey-ge, Brother Legs), 腿爺(Twey-yay, Extremely respected legs)對 Figgins 的愛是隨名字不同而顯現的,除了正常狀態的 Figgins 以及 Figgy。Leggins, Legs 以及 Leggy 都是不太好的狀態。隨著他的表現開始火熱,開始有了腿哥、腿爺的說法,接下來更有 Fichiro, Firrero 之類的組合名,終極火熱狀態的時候則成為了「泛用人形決戰兵器」(阿腿的本行是工具人,但是工具人又有速度所以變成超級工具人了,超級工具人又再加上打擊就成了泛用人形決戰兵器人造人類EVA簡稱泛用人形決戰兵器) (以上感謝 Levi 提供)
Gary Matthews Jr.GMJ, GMJ*, G公(Gee-Gon, Respectful Gary), 激公(Gee-Gon, Respectful Hormone), HGH打星號是因為在加入天使以前曾有人檢舉他有使用人類生長激素增進比賽成績,所以未來列入記錄時可能會加上*記號。不過即使他使用了這東西,他也是在大聯盟有規範使用人類生長激素之前使用的。我們用*的時刻還是有讚賞和羨慕他的成績的意思。Due to an incident that he alleged to have used Human growth hormone prior to the drug usage rules from MLB. The reason that sometimes we use an asterisk symbol is just that we envy his performance.
Vladimir GuerreroVlad, Vlady, 葛雷諾(Ge-lay-nol), 鳥滾葛(Niaw-gwen-Gwe, Ground-out Guererro), 主炮(Jwu-Pow, main fire power), Geroro(Actually pronounced as giroro)giroro
Giroro has a lot of power in his arsenals according to "Keroro", a Japanese Anime.
Garret AndersonGA, 大叔(Da-Sue, big uncle), 液化的膝蓋(EE-hwa-de-shi-gai, liquified knees)反正跟年紀有關啦。/ Aging related.
Torii Hunter獵人(Leay-Ran, hunter), 90M滿滿的愛。(Torii 如果用日文來看是鳥居, 但是鄉民似乎還沒有人習慣這麼看) / We love you. (So far we haven't used Japanese to pronounce Torii, yet.)
Howie Kendrick幹譙龍(Gan-Giaw-Long), 演講比賽冠軍(Ian-Jian-bi-sai-gwan-juin, speech champion), HK47, 好姨(How-ii)He is wearing number 47, so calling him hk47 is natural. About the Gangiaulong nickname, he looks a little (just a little) like this GanGiauLonghk.jpg....
Juan Rivera小璜/小黃(Hsiao-Hwang, little Juan)We still love you, but don't ground out please.
Casey Kotchman烤雞人(Kow-Chi-Ran, Kow-Chi Man)滿滿的愛。/ We love you.
Robb Quinlan崑蘭(Kwen-Lon), Q仔(Q-Zai, Q)世界日報有人翻譯成金蘭... 那個記者以為大聯盟都是中國大陸來的用漢語拼音。
Mike Napoli拿坡里(Napoli), 拿胖(Na-pon), 批薩/賣批薩(Pizza or selling pizza)台灣來的大概都多少知道Napoli 披薩。"Napoli Pizza" is a quite famous Pizza restaurant chain in Taiwan.
Jeff Mathis馬弟(Mar-Dee)滿滿的愛。/ We love you.
Erick Aybar愛拔(Ai-bar)....
Maicer Izturis小Izzy(Hsiao Izzy, Little Izturis), Izzy, 賣色(Mai-sir)....
Reggie Willits威利斯(Way-lees)請多代替 GA 上,好嗎?
Kendry Morales古巴人(Cuban)此君在古巴隊時代(2003世界杯錦標賽)有痛打過中華隊喔。Simply calling him a Cuban is kinda lazy...
Sean Rodriguez香肉(Sean-ruo)太菜了沒梗。Just an arbitrary Chinese name that is pronouced similarly.
Former FieldersFan-given nameExplanation

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